Does chiropractic relieve pain?
Does chiropractic relieve pain?
Although there are many reasons people come to see us at Rice Family Chiropractic, for most people there is some underlying or chronic pain that is the impetus for seeking help in the first place. Certainly, most people come in looking for help with the underlying problem, too—often what we call a “sublaxation”—however, reduced pain and increased comfort are the outcomes most eagerly seek.
Have you ever wondered why your chiropractor does what he or she does? Which is to ask, “How does chiropractic actually help relieve pain?” Chiropractors believe that misalignment of muscles and bones in the body leads to unnecessary wear and tear as muscles strain under the load of contorted alignment. On the other hand, the treatment we give is founded on the belief that correct alignment creates the conditions required for healing. In other words, healing occurs naturally in people with correct alignment.
For most people, misalignment occurs quite slowly and naturally over time, by playing sports, occupational strains and poor posture. It also may occur with a sudden trauma caused by a sports injury, car accident or a fluke mishap such as falling down stairs. For others, degenerative diseases may cause short term or long term issues that require regular adjustment.
Chiropractic functions by helping to reset the normal range of motion and natural functioning of the afflicted area, which typically brings relief from pain. In fact the two almost always work in tandem. You may be suffering from pain in the neck caused by a strain, which in turn leads to an almost complete reduction in mobility and range of motion. Once the strain is treated, the pain dissipates and range of motion returns to normal.
The human body is a vastly complex organization of muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve. With an injury to any one of these, muscular spasm and pain are likely to occur. If you have experienced spasming in a muscle, you know well how dramatically range of motion can be limited. Indeed, it can be difficult just to stand up straight!
During a chiropractic treatment, we begin with some soft tissue massage to gently relax the muscle spasm and ease the vertebra back into its normal position. Most people report significant reduction of pain immediately following this treatment.
Often spinal adjustment will be employed to adjust some underlying postural problems. This helps the spinal column and joints to return to their natural position, which in turn eases muscle strain associated with being out of balance. And with that, the pain subsides.
Other people experience pain associated with sciatica and other forms of “pinched” nerves, and these can be treated similarly, with spinal adjustment.
Injuries that require extra time to properly heal, such as slipped discs and injured rotator cuffs, require soft tissue massage and spinal adjustment in order to create the ideal circumstances for healing to take place. Many patients also report that alternating cold and hot compresses brings relief and speeds recovery times. We also encourage patients to return to some gentle activity slowly.
Unfortunately, for many people, recovery can be something of a Catch-22. Injured people will often involuntarily tense the muscles around their injury, which can lead to prolonged recovery times and worsened pain during the healing process. During this time, regular chiropractic treatment can be essential in relieving pain and setting the foundation for healing the injured area.
While many of our patients report that treatment alone provides curative and pain relieving results, there are times when this alone does not provide adequate pain relief.
At Rice Family Chiropractic, we always try to offer the most holistic solutions possible, which means we tend to look at the big picture when it comes to healing. Diet, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and proper exercise also contribute to creating a healing environment for any injuries, whether spinal or otherwise. If you have any questions about how we use chiropractic, your spinal health, or other related issues, please contact us at